While it appears that numerous COVID-19 regulations and restrictions are expiring as we enter 2024, California employers still have compliance obligations to fulfill. Although California’s statutory COVID-19 regulations will come to an end this year, other COVID-19 regulations, such as Cal/OSHA’s requirements, will remain in effect until February 2025.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, California enacted legislation that mandated employers to display a notice in the workplace when a confirmed COVID-19 case occurred on the worksite and to notify all employees present on the premises. Additionally, the statute required employers to provide written notice to employees’ representatives, such as employee unions. However, this statute expires effective January 1, 2024.
Cal/OSHA, a regulatory agency in California, imposes a separate independent notice requirement for employees who have had close contact with anyone testing positive for COVID-19. Despite the expiration of statutory regulations, employers are still mandated to notify individuals with close contact, including private contractors, that they have been exposed to COVID-19.
Employers, in accordance with Cal/OSHA’s requirements, must also provide their employees with information regarding COVID-19-related benefits to which the employee may be entitled under applicable federal, state, or local law when an employee takes time off due to a COVID-19 infection.
Unlike the previous obligation to post notice of an employee being COVID-19 positive in the workplace, Cal/OSHA does not require this. Individualized notice to those exposed is sufficient to remain in compliance. Therefore, even as certain regulations expire, employers must remain vigilant and adhere to specific Cal/OSHA requirements to ensure ongoing compliance with COVID-19 safety measures.
For more information on COVID-19 regulations and steps you can take for compliance, please contact us at info@mnklawyers.com.
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