Cal/OHSA’s Latest Move Pits Employers Against the CDC

As employers throughout the State of California are aware, last November Cal/OSHA promulgated extensive COVID-19 regulations (known as the Emergency Temporary Standards, or “ETS”). Given that these regulations were enacted before the availability of COVID-19 vaccinations, these regulations did not consider vaccination status and mandated (among other things) strict masking policies to protect workers from COVID-19.

Spark Notes Summary of the American Rescue Plan Act’s COBRA Subsidies

By now, employers have heard through the proverbial grapevine that that employees are entitled to COBRA continuation health coverage subsidies under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (“ARPA”). What many employers do not know, however, are the ARPA’s less glamorous—but equally critical—details.

California Passes Re-Hiring Law for Certain Employees in the Travel and Hospitality Industries

On April 16, 2021, California passed Senate Bill 93 (“SB 93”).  SB 93 requires employers in the travel and hospitality industries to offer employees who lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic their former position—or a similar position—as those positions become available. Employers must extend a re-hire offer within five business days of a position’s opening.

Introducing Our New Website!

Introducing Our New Website!

We are thrilled to announce our new website for MNK Law!

With the launch of our new website, we hope to provide you with a resource that clearly states who we are and how we can help you. Moreover, we are also launching our blog, where you will find news and resources on topics we believe you should be aware of – including changes in the law, challenges employers should be aware of, templates, and much more.