Cal/OSHA’s Latest COVID-19 Rules

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  • Cal/OSHA’s Latest COVID-19 Rules

In the ever-changing flurry of COVID-19 laws, Cal/OSHA “re-adopted” its COVID-19 ETS rules while implementing critical changes to the same. Important changes include:

  1. Employer-sponsored testing for all employees who have had close contact with a positive COVID-19 case—even those employees who were fully vaccinated before the close contact;
  2. Requiring fully vaccinated employees who have had “close contact” with a positive COVID-19 case to socially distance from others for 14 days and wear a face covering while at work; and
  3. Revising the definition of COVID-19 tests to include over-the-counter tests.

Readers should carefully study Cal/OSHA’s rules, which are available here, and ensure that their businesses are up to speed on the latest set of regulations affecting them.

For more information, please contact us at

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